On Track News

The Benefits of Summer School

The Benefits of Summer School

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The Benefits of Summer School  – As the last day of the school year quickly approaches, the thought of summer school may be the last think on the young minds of students who are counting the weeks and days until the bell rings. I know, I was one of those kids for sure. Working with students and teachers online with On Track School, summer school means something completely different to me now. Summer school means opportunity to advance, time to hone in on a skill, and explore a new pathway of learning.

An opportunity to advance ~ By gaining credit during the summer, students can graduate early and gain confidence. Many high school students have successfully achieved this goal with On Track.

Time to hone in on a skill ~ Having the support of our Learning Coaches by taking one course helps students to focus their attention on completion with a better result. We will offer English and Math credit recovery as well as basic skills which will help students excel.

Explore a new pathway ~ Dual credit courses will be offered through a new partnership with Grand Canyon University.  This path can lead to a transition into college at an advanced level with the possibility to graduate early and enter your career sooner.

More information about course offerings and the steps to sign up will be sent out next week. If you have any questions let us know.  Something to keep in mind, if a student has not completed a course by the end of the semester, the course will roll over into summer school.

Ready to learn about Summer School?

Don’t sweat it, Stay on Track!

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