On Track School has partnered with industry leaders who share the desire to provide amateur and professional athletes with the advantages of having a high quality accredited education allowing them to compete at the highest levels. The dedication that is required to succeed on and off the track will follow each individual for the rest of their lives no matter what path they may choose.
We are pleased to announce the following scholarship opportunities.
Community Support For Education Through Racing

What is it?
Scholarship funds for motorcycle racers who compete in designated classes held at participating events.
Why is this newsworthy?
To ensure motorcycle racers are provided an opportunity to have access to scholarship funds much like traditional sports offer in order to further their educational goals.
How does it work?
Race promoters that want to incorporate the Cash for Class component into their race event will work with On Track School in communicating to the community and organizing fundraising efforts for the event. Riders will enroll by completing an application to qualify.
Who can donate?
Our local motocross community, businesses, individuals, and OEM’s, literally anyone. Tax free donations are made to On Track Learning Solutions, a 501 C-3 nonprofit entity.
How do athletes receive the scholarship funds?
Awards are provided based on overall scores at the event. Using the national 529 Education Savings Plans, recipients of the awards will sign up for an account and funds will be transferred to be used as designated by the savings plan toward college or private K-12 schools.
See our website Rules & Instructions
Is this a proven concept?
Yes. The concept of having motocross racers compete for funds towards their education was piloted at Georgia Practice Facility in their Ca$h for Class event with the help of a dedicated team including Andrea Leib, Director & Founder of On Track School, Tasha Renfro, Operations Coach of On Track School, Josh, Terry, and Ray Woods of GPF (Georgia Practice Facility), with full support from the AMA.
Wiseco Performance Products Scholarship
Wiseco was founded on grassroots racing over 75 years ago and continues to operate through the passion of the sport. Donations made to On Track School help to assist students in need of financial support toward tuition. The recognition of our program through strong supporters of education such as Wiseco speaks volumes to the need they are helping to address one student at a time. It is our hope that as an industry we can be the village it takes to propel our athletes into a future of successful achievements.
Who should apply:
New and current students who race motocross or GNCC can apply, all grade levels that are in need of financial assistance.
When to apply:
TBA for the 25/26 School Year
Awarded Amount:
One recipient will be awarded a $2500 scholarship towards On Track School tuition.
- 2018 Thor Powell
- 2019 Thor Powell
- 2020 Jace Lewis
- 2021 Anthony Rhodes
- 2022 Tom Luberda
- 2023 Finn Maready
- 2024 Cayden McQuitty
On Track School Ambassador Scholarship
The On Track School Ambassador Scholarship is open to returning students, in good standing, may be referred by a staff member. Recipients receive a full scholarship to On Track school for the year and will participate in personal growth and leadership development activities.

Who should apply:
Current students On Track Students who are in good standing.
When to apply:
TBA for the 25/26 School Year
Awarded Amount:
One middle school recipient will be awarded a $2500 scholarship and one high school recipient will be awarded a $2500 scholarship towards On Track School tuition.
How to apply:
A Video submission explaining what winning the scholarship means to them and how they can be an ambassador for the school and their sport if applicable.
- 2021 Brighton Richards
- 2022 Ronan Thomas and Bentley Brown
- 2023 Jonathan Getz, Jackson McCarty, Tiger Woods
- 2024 Gage Dunham and Jiggs Fustini
Sara Price Scholarship (Girls Only)

Who should apply:
New and returning On Track School female racers, riders, and drivers in any grade level.
When to apply:
TBA for the 25/26 School Year
Awarded Amount:
One female recipient will be awarded a $1000 Scholarship towards On Track School tuition.
- 2021 Ruby Fustini
- 2022 Megan Gagnon
- 2023 Taylor Herald
- 2024 SJ Meadows
How to apply:
A Video submission explaining what winning the scholarship means to them and how they can be an ambassador for the school and their sport.
Be on the lookout for more information pertaining to this scholarship coming soon!

Who should apply:
New and current On Track Students in any grade level who are in good standing.
When to apply:
TBA for the 25/26 School Year
Awarded Amount:
One recipient will be awarded $2500 towards On Track School tuition.
How to apply:
- 2024 Colin Paszkiewicz