Noah Gordon Noah Gordon Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard. (Not sure who said it but Kevin Durant once said it) Home Arizona United States Birthday 09/13/2006 Sport(s) Motocross Interest
Shane Scarpinato Shane Scarpinato Just send it Home NY USA Birthday 05/27/2012 Sport(s) Motocross Interest
Jace Lewis Jace Lewis The only thing to do with good advice is pass it on. Home Ga US Birthday 12/06/2005 Sport(s) Motocross Interest Fishing, Hunting
Chloe Zacharias Chloe Zacharias Mouse, Gallop!!! Home Texas USA Birthday 07/07/2010 Sport(s) Barrel Racing / Equestrian Interest
Shane Hamilton Shane Hamilton If you're not first, you're last - Ricky Bobby. Home FL USA Birthday 02/12/2004 Sport(s) Motocross Interest Fishing
Mason Manhire Mason Manhire If you ain't first your last -Ricky Bobby Home California USA Birthday 04/10/2004 Sport(s) Motocross Interest Fishing